Welcome to the CJSA Blog!

This is the official blog for the Criminal Justice Student Association at RIT. We will be updating you about things from the CJSA as well as the RIT Pre-Law Association, Criminal Justice Department and events you may be interested in! We will also share information about topics you may find of interest. Be sure to email us if you want to see something or if you are interested in writing a blog post!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Civil Service Exam Information

What is a Civil Service Exam?

-It is a comprehensive exam given to those who want to hold a job in government. Passing the
exam is a prerequisite to many jobs at the local, state and federal levels: Law Enforcement,
Government positions, etc.).

How do I apply for a City of Rochester Civil Service Exam?
-Exam Announcements are available at Current Job Opportunities or at City Hall, 30 Church
Street, Room 103A.

You can apply online, by mail or in person. Use Online Employment System to apply online. To
apply by mail or in person, Employment Applications are available at City Hall, Room 103A, or

Is there a fee for taking a Civil Service Exam?
-Yes, there is a $25 fee for Police Officer and Firefighter exams and $15 for all other open-
competitive exams.

How will I know if I have been accepted to participate in an exam?

Exam Admission Letters are sent out one to two weeks before the exam date. If you have
not received your admission letter by the Wednesday before the exam date, please call Exam
Administration at (585) 428-7454

What kinds of exams are there?

• A written exam tests for knowledge of one or more subjects. The format may be

multiple-choice, short answer, or essay.

• An oral performance exam asks the candidate to respond orally to a job-related

situation: in a role-play situation or making a presentation after studying
written materials. Oral performance exams are used to test for interpersonal and
communication skills, and for content knowledge.

• An evaluation of Training and Experience exam ("T&E") is used when specific

education or experience is a good predictor of success at a job. The candidate is sent a
job-related questionnaire which asks about education and work or volunteer experience
in areas related to the demands of the job.

• In a computer-based simulation the candidate responds on a computer to a series of job-

related situations, which are presented either in writing, on a computer, or audiotape.

• A physical agility exam tests for the physical demands of a job. Physical exercises or

sample tasks from the job demonstrate a candidate's physical ability.

• In a clerical skills performance test, the candidate types sample passages in a timed

setting at rates that are typical for the job in question.

**You do not need to be a resident of Rochester to take the exam


- - Bria Page, Vice President

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