Welcome to the CJSA Blog!

This is the official blog for the Criminal Justice Student Association at RIT. We will be updating you about things from the CJSA as well as the RIT Pre-Law Association, Criminal Justice Department and events you may be interested in! We will also share information about topics you may find of interest. Be sure to email us if you want to see something or if you are interested in writing a blog post!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baltimore Police

 Opportunities with the Baltimore Police

There is a upcoming upcoming recruitment/testing trip to Cayuga Community College in Auburn, NY on May 14th and 15th that our department is having.  On May 14th we will be offering our civil service test (which is good for two years) at 10 A.M. and our fitness test on May 15th at 9 A.M.  Unlike many departments there is NO fee associated with this test and applicants are NOT required to register…they just need to show up on time with a valid drivers license and be at least 20 years old.  All applicants that pass both portions will be allowed to continue processing and upon successful completion of the application process will be offered full employment with the department.  It is important to note that processing is continuous and faster than most departments.  There is funding for these positions and the spots need to be filled this year.

Why Baltimore Police? While many departments are laying off or not hiring, our department is in the process of hiring over 300 police officers this year and offer the following:

Salary: The starting salary for a Police Officer Trainee is $41,290.
At graduation from the police academy, the salary increases to $42,290.
Regular raises based on years of service are incorporated into the salary scale.  An additional Educational Incentive program is available to applicants with a four-year college degree.  Successful entrance into this program will result in a higher annual salary.


●       Retirement Plan
●       Deferred Compensation Plan
●       Health Plans (Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO)
●       Dental/Vision Plans
●       Prescription Coverage
●       12 Vacation & 14 Paid Holidays
●       Paid Court Time
●       Paid Overtime
●       Free Equipment

Personal and Professional Growth: The Baltimore Police Department offers promotional opportunities to members with at least three years of service. Promotion offers you advancement into a supervisory position with new challenges and rewards.

Opportunities for advanced training are provided to members to enhance their growth after graduation from the police academy. Specialized training in firearms, defense tactics, and job-related topics such as basic criminal investigation are offered.

   Having been raised (Seneca and Ontario Counties), educated (Waterloo HS 1997, FLCC 2005), and employed (US Navy in Canandaigua) in the area, I know what type of honest, hard working and moral people make up this region and that is what I told and convinced my commanders to approve this trip to look for future Baltimore Police Officers.  Our department hasn't traveled out of state to recruit in years, and I hope by us traveling to the area shows how much promise we feel the area has when it comes to highly qualified applicants interested in serving within law enforcement and working with/for the public.

   Anything you can do to pass the word on this hiring event would be greatly appreciated, and please feel free to pass out my e-mail and cell/work phone number to anyone and everyone that might be interested.
I am more than willing to talk to anyone that will listen about the department.


Cell: (443) 360-8067
Work: (410) 396-2300

Location:  Cayuga Community College
                Auburn Campus
                197 Franklin Street
                Auburn, N.Y.  13021

Time:       May 14, 2011 @ 10 A.M. Civil Service Test
               May 15, 2011  @  9  A.M. Fitness Test

Gregory W. Ostrander
Internal Investigation Division

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Lynne's Experience at Attica

Initially, I was extremely scared and nervous to visit a prison—something I’ve only seen on television. During intake, we had to leave behind our cell phones and make sure we had absolutely no metal on our clothes. After we finally were able to walk inside the prison, I was amazed. The buildings were surprisingly clean and there were a lot of programs offered to the prisoners. For example, some inmates are given the chance to participate in vocational programs and work for the in-house metal factory that manufactures metal products for the state. We also were able to see a row of the inmate’s cells, which  were very cramped and had absolutely no privacy. The most memorable part of the trip was getting to see the eye opening everyday life and conditions of an inmate living in prison. After leaving, my whole perspective of everything I had learned about prisons in the past had changed. I would whole-heartedly recommend this experience to any student interested in our corrections system!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bria's Attica Comment

Right before visiting Attica State Prison, I’m going to admit, fear filled my entire body.  With how all of these TV shows and movie portray Prisons, I imagined that we would walk into the facility, and that we would have all of these intimidating inmates yelling at us to purposely make us nervous.  Since we were on a school tour, I thought that the inmates would be temporarily locked in their cell until our visit was over, so that we would not have to worry about any potential harm.
When we first walked into the facility, like normal visitors, we all went through the screening of metal detectors for security purposes.  As the tour began, we were told that all of the inmates are required to wear green pants, so we will be able to tell them apart from anyone else.  As we walked into the first block, I realized that the inmates were not separated from us.  Some were in their cells, but all of the gates were unlocked and opened.  Majority of them were walking around, doing their normal daily routines.  I could not believe the discipline in the facility, it was nothing like I imagined.  All of the inmates were respectful to us, and none of them even spoke.  I was also surprised at how the inmates treated the Correctional Officers; they all had mutual respect towards each other.  I was also surprised to hear that the inmates are the ones who maintain everything in the facility: the cleaning, preparing meals, repairing, etc.-the facility was kept so clean, and had everything running in a smooth, organized manner. 
The Attica visit was an amazing experience that I am very glad that I was able to be a part of.  It really allowed me to clear up all of my myths about the facilities, and see for myself what it is really like.  I would like to thank the Attica faculty, Dr. Porter, Dr. Scott, and the Criminal Justice Student Association E-Board for putting this event together!

Attica Comment 2

I would have to say that my experience visiting the Attica Prison facility was one of shock and amazement.  This was the first time that I have ever visited a prison and I was surprised at the level of discipline that the inmates had.  It was not what I expected.  The facilities were very clean and everything ran in a systematic way.  Additionally, there was respect showed on all levels -  the prisoners respected the staff and the staff respected the prisoners. 
Rhonda D. Baker

Attica Prison Visit (Comment # 1)

Several weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit Attica State Prison in New York. The experience in visiting the prison was very remarkable for me. Although it was not as I initially expected, for example, screaming and shouting prisoners, and fights as often displayed in popular televisions shows, I will never forget the experience as it is rare that one has the opportunity to visit a place that few of the average people in society get to experience. 

I will not go into detail describing the prison garb, the appearance of the facilities, or the demeanors of the occupants. I am sure they will be covered by my peers in their accounts. One thing that I would like to mention is a question that lingered in my mind throughout my entire time touring the prison. Offenders are sent to prison in part as a result of an attempt by the State to rehabilitate them, and assist them into transitioning into law-abiding lifestyles. Thus, part of the task of prisons is to “correct” the problems within the offender. 

One question that remains however is, addresses societal problems? How can one discuss the topic of corrections without addressing some of the ills in society that play a part in perpetuating criminality?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Need Help with a Criminal Justice class?

The Criminal Justice Student Association is offering exam help weeks 4, 5, 10 and during finals at Wallace Library Idea Factory. We will have members that will be able to assist deaf and hard of hearing students and offer tutoring in sign for some classes. If you are interested, please e-mail us (Cjsa.rit@gmail.com) with the class you are taking and we will find a member best suited to help you!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Information about Criminal Justice PhD Programs

Criminal Justice PhD Programs     
School Name                                                             Location   

University of Maryland                                             College Park, MD       
SUNY Albany                                                           Albany, NY       
University of Cincinnati                                            Cincinnati, OH       
Rutgers                                                                      Newark, NJ       
University of California                                            Irvine, CA       
University of Missouri                                              St. Louis, MO       
Michigan State University                                        East Lansing, MI       
Pennsylvania State University                                  University Park, PA       
University of Nebraska                                             Omaha, NE       
University of Pennsylvania                                       Philadelphia, PA       
CUNY John Jay                                                        New York, NY       
Florida State University                                           Tallahassee, FL       
University of Florida                                                Gainesville, FL       
Northeastern University                                           Boston, MA       
University of Delaware                                            Newark, DE       
American University                                                District of Colombia       
Arizona State University                                         Arizona       
Temple University                                                   Philadelphia, PA       
Washington State University                                   Washington       
Indiana University                                                   Bloomington, IN       
University of Illinois                                               Chicago, IL       
Sam Houston State University                                Huntsville, TX       

Sources: http://criminaljusticeonlineblog.com/archives/best-phd-doctorate-criminal-justice-schools-programs/           

- - Shane Williams, Treasurer

Civil Service Exam Information

What is a Civil Service Exam?

-It is a comprehensive exam given to those who want to hold a job in government. Passing the
exam is a prerequisite to many jobs at the local, state and federal levels: Law Enforcement,
Government positions, etc.).

How do I apply for a City of Rochester Civil Service Exam?
-Exam Announcements are available at Current Job Opportunities or at City Hall, 30 Church
Street, Room 103A.

You can apply online, by mail or in person. Use Online Employment System to apply online. To
apply by mail or in person, Employment Applications are available at City Hall, Room 103A, or

Is there a fee for taking a Civil Service Exam?
-Yes, there is a $25 fee for Police Officer and Firefighter exams and $15 for all other open-
competitive exams.

How will I know if I have been accepted to participate in an exam?

Exam Admission Letters are sent out one to two weeks before the exam date. If you have
not received your admission letter by the Wednesday before the exam date, please call Exam
Administration at (585) 428-7454

What kinds of exams are there?

• A written exam tests for knowledge of one or more subjects. The format may be

multiple-choice, short answer, or essay.

• An oral performance exam asks the candidate to respond orally to a job-related

situation: in a role-play situation or making a presentation after studying
written materials. Oral performance exams are used to test for interpersonal and
communication skills, and for content knowledge.

• An evaluation of Training and Experience exam ("T&E") is used when specific

education or experience is a good predictor of success at a job. The candidate is sent a
job-related questionnaire which asks about education and work or volunteer experience
in areas related to the demands of the job.

• In a computer-based simulation the candidate responds on a computer to a series of job-

related situations, which are presented either in writing, on a computer, or audiotape.

• A physical agility exam tests for the physical demands of a job. Physical exercises or

sample tasks from the job demonstrate a candidate's physical ability.

• In a clerical skills performance test, the candidate types sample passages in a timed

setting at rates that are typical for the job in question.

**You do not need to be a resident of Rochester to take the exam


- - Bria Page, Vice President

Sunday, January 9, 2011

LSAT Test for Law School

The LSAT is administered four times a year–usually in October, December, February, and June–on Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Special arrangements for schedule changes are available.

Test Dates for 2011 - 2012
Monday, June 6, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Saturday, February 11, 2012


- Shane Williams, CJSA Treasurer